Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
Math 2150, Fall 2006

Here is the web site for the java (web) version of John Polking's differential equation solvers dfield and pplane. Click on dfield, click on "Ok" and enter your equation in the "Dfield Equation window" Be sure to use the correct variables: as it is now set, the independent variable is "t" and the dependent variable is "y". You are free to change these.

The university has made some changes in grading policy.

Final Exam solutions: page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 6

Quizzes:   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12   
Solutions: 1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12   

Table of Contents




The first class is Tuesday, September 5, 2006, and the last class is Wednesday, December 13, 2006. The final exam is Friday, December 15, from 8:00 to 10:30 in 125 State Hall.

Here is a schedule of the topics and sections we will cover, as well as the timing of the tests. The test dates are firm, but we will expand or contract class discussions of the topics in accordance with the class's rate of learning. The tests will cover only the material we have finished at the time of the test.

F = Fundamentals of Differential Equations,
M = Matrix Operations

Introduction F, Chap. 1 and 2    9/5 - 9/15
Modelling F, Chap. 3    9/18 - 9/20
Linear Algebra M, Chap. 1-6    9/22 - 10/3
Test 1 Wed, Oct. 4   
Second order equations F, Chap. 4    10/6 - 10/20
Higher order equations F, Chap. 6    10/23 - 10/25
Test 2 Fri, Oct. 27   
Linear Algebra (cont.) M, Chap. 7    10/30 - 11/3
Systems F, Chap. 9    11/6 - 11/20
No class WSU Thursday    11/21
Test 3 Wed, Nov 22   
Thanksgiving Break    11/23 - 11/26
Laplace Transforms F, Chap. 7    11/27 - 12/5
Power series F, Chap. 8    12/6 - 12/13
Final Exam Friday, Dec. 15    8:00 - 10:30 AM


This is a payoff course, where everything you have learned up to this point will come together to allow you to solve much more sophisticated problems.

Linear equations can be solved quickly and efficiently, and lead to notions like the number of degrees of freedom of a system, or the number of independent constraints on a system.

In algebra and in much of calculus, solutions to problems consist of single numbers: the maximum volume, or minimum perimeter, or an area or speed. In contrast, the solution to a differential equation is a function which might express the trajectory of an object or the response of a system to a varying input. An enormous amount of insight into the behavior of systems can be gained from studying the differential equations these systems obey.

The two subjects interact strongly because the differential equations we understand best are the linear ones, and tools from linear algebra help in their solution, while their solutions display the meaning of some of the ideas from linear algebra. Nonlinear problems are often studied by their linear approximations, so that understanding the linear equations is a key step in the analysis of all differential equations.

Requirements and grades:

First, READ THE BOOKS . You should read each section before we talk about it in class, then again after class, before doing the homework for the section. If you have any trouble understanding it, read it several times, first, quickly for an overall idea what the section is about, then in detail, working out the examples the book uses to make sure you know why each statement is true. Only after this should you start the homework. You may be pleasantly surprised how much easier the homework is with this sort of preparation. You will certainly understand the material and retain more of it, if you study in this way.

Second, regular attendance will be expected. Some topics may be covered more thoroughly in class than in the texts, and you will be resonsible for this material.

There will be weekly quizzes each Wednesday, of about 10 minutes duration, which will help you assess your understanding of the material. The best 10 of these (out of 14) will be counted toward your final grade. If a test is given on a Wednesday, the quiz will be on Monday that week.

Grades will be computed as follows:

Test 1 20 %
Test 2 20 %
Test 3 20 %
Quizzes 10 %
Final 30 %

Naturally, all work you turn in should be your own. The University has strict policies on intellectual honesty.

New Grading Policy

There has been a change in University policy on grades. This affects withdrawals, unofficial withdrawals (i.e., stopping attending without filling out any paperwork) and the name of the lowest grade (changed from E to F). See the official notice for full details.

Cell phone policy: phones should not interrupt the class. Please make certain they will not make noise before class starts.
