Algebraic Number Theory

Math 7470 Fall 2014


Learning Outcome




First class: Thursday, 28 August.
Thanksgiving holiday: Thursday, 27 November.
Last class: Thursday, 4 December.

You will be responsible for material covered in class, whether it is in the book or not.

Regular homework problems will be assigned. Class members will be asked to present problems and other material in class.

Final Exam: there will be no final exam.

Learning Outcomes: You will be able to compute many interesting invariants of algebraic number fields.


Sage has extensive number theoretic capabilities and is free to download. Other mathematical software, such as MAGMA and GAP, can do some number theoretic calculations as well.


The following books were close contenders in my search for a text. They are all worth looking at. Here are two books which will be useful. They will be on the bookshelf of anyone in the field.

In addition, these expository books are marvelous ways to get a broad view of the subject. They contain an enormous number of interesting examples. This is a very short and idiosyncratic bibliography. The field is enormous and there are now many other books that are worth consulting.


(Text = Janusz)

Learning Outcome:

You will be able to compute many interesting invariants of algebraic number fields.

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